Matrix Equations Utilities
— FunctionX = utqu(Q,U)
Compute efficiently the symmetric/hermitian product X = U'QU
, where Q is a symmetric/hermitian matrix.
— Functionutqu!(Q,U) -> Q
Compute efficiently the symmetric/hermitian product U'QU -> Q
, where Q
is a symmetric/hermitian matrix and U
is a square matrix. The resulting product overwrites Q
— Functionqrupdate!(R, Y) -> R
Update the upper triangular factor R
by the upper triangular factor of the QR factorization of [ R; Y' ]
, where Y
is a low-rank matrix Y
(typically with one or two columns). The computation of R
only uses O(n^2)
operations (n
is the size of R
). The input matrix R
is updated in place and the matrix Y
is destroyed during the computation.
— Functionrqupdate!(R, Y) -> R
Update the upper triangular factor R
by the upper triangular factor of the RQ factorization of [ Y R]
, where Y
is a low-rank matrix Y
(typically with one or two columns). The computation of R
only uses O(n^2)
operations (n
is the size of R
). The input matrix R
is updated in place and the matrix Y
is destroyed during the computation.
— Function isschur(A::AbstractMatrix) -> Bool
Test whether A
is a square matrix in a real or complex Schur form. In the real case, it is only tested whether A is a quasi upper triangular matrix, which may have 2x2 diagonal blocks, which however must not correspond to complex conjugate eigenvalues. In the complex case, it is tested if A
is upper triangular.
isschur(A::AbstractMatrix, B::AbstractMatrix) -> Bool
Test whether (A,B)
is a pair of square matrices in a real or complex generalized Schur form. In the real case, it is only tested whether B
is upper triangular and A
is a quasi upper triangular matrix, which may have 2x2 diagonal blocks, which however must not correspond to complex conjugate eigenvalues. In the complex case, it is tested if A
and B
are both upper triangular.
— Functionx = triu2vec(Q; rowwise = false, her = false)
Reshape the upper triangular part of the nxn
array Q
as a one-dimensional column vector x
with n(n+1)/2
elements. Q
is assumed symmetric/hermitian if her = true
. The elements of x
correspond to stacking the elements of successive columns of the upper triangular part of Q
, if rowwise = false
, or stacking the elements of successive rows of the upper triangular part of Q
, if rowwise = true
— FunctionQ = vec2triu(x; rowwise = false, her = false)
Build from a one-dimensional column vector x
with n(n+1)/2
elements an nxn
upper triangular matrix Q
if her = false
or an nxn
symmetric/hermitian array Q
if her = true
. The elements of x
correspond to stacking the elements of successive columns of the upper triangular part of Q
, if rowwise = false
, or stacking the elements of successive rows of the upper triangular part of Q
, if rowwise = true