The Kronecker-canonical form of a matrix pencil M − λN
basically characterizes the right and left singular structure and the eigenvalue structure of the pencil. The computation of the Kronecker-canonical form may involve the use of ill-conditioned similarity transformations and, therefore, is potentially numerically unstable. Fortunately, alternative staircase forms, called Kronecker-like forms
(KLFs), allow to obtain basically the same (or only a part of) structural information on the pencil M − λN
by employing exclusively orthogonal similarity transformations. Various KLFs can serve to address, in a numerically reliable way, the main applications of the Kronecker form, such as the computation of minimal left or right nullspace bases, the computation of eigenvalues and zeros, the determination of the normal rank of polynomial and rational matrices, computation of various factorizations of rational matrices, as well as the solution of linear equations with polynomial or rational matrices.
This collection of Julia functions is an attemp to implement high performance numerical software to compute a range of KLFs which reveal the full or partial Kronecker structure of a matrix pencil. The KLFs are computed by performing several pencil reduction operations on a reduced basic form of the initial pencil. These operations efficiently compress the rows or columns of certain submatrices to full rank matrices and simultaneously maintain the reduced basic form. The rank decisions involve the use of rank revealing QR-decompositions with colum pivoting or the, more reliable, SVD-decompositions. The overall computational complexity of all reduction algorithms is $O(n^3)$, where $n$ is the largest dimension of the pencil.
The implemented basic pencil reduction operations are described in [1] and [2], and form the basis of the implemented PREDUCE procedure described in [3].
A set of functions is provided to address pencil manipulation problems for structured matrix pencils M − λN
of the forms [A - λE B; C D]
or [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH]
. Matrix pencils with these structure frequently arise from the linearization of polynomial or rational matrices. The computation of least order linearizations is based on algorithms described in [3]-[9].
A set of functions is available for the manipulation of polynomial matrices specified via their coefficient matrices in a monomial basis. All funtions also support matrix, vector or scalar of elements of the Polynomial
type provided by the Polynomials package. Several linearization functions are available which allow the extension of pencil manipulation techniques to matrix polynomials. Some straightforward applications are covered such as the computation of finite and infinite eigenvalues, zeros and poles, the determination of the normal rank, the determination of Kronecker indices and finite and infinite eigenvalue structure, checks of regularity and unimodularity. The implementations follow the computational framework and results developed in [10] and are described in [11].
Balancing techniques for matrix pencils can significantly enhance the reliability of computations and improve the accuracy of computed eigenvalues and zeros. Balancing approaches relying on the Sinkhorn-Knopp algorithm have been proposed in [15] and served as basis for several functions for balancing matrix pencils.
The available functions in the MatrixPencils.jl
package cover both real and complex numerical data. The current version of the package includes the following functions:
Manipulation of general matrix pencils
Function | Description |
pbalance! | Balancing arbitrary matrix pencils. |
pbalqual | Evaluation of the balancing quality of a matrix pencils. |
preduceBF | Reduction to the basic condensed form [B A-λE; D C] with E upper triangular and nonsingular. |
klf | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the full Kronecker structure |
klf_right | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the right and finite Kronecker structures |
klf_rightinf | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the right and infinite Kronecker structures |
klf_left | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the left and finite Kronecker structures |
klf_leftinf | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the left and infinite Kronecker structures |
klf_rlsplit | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the separation of right and left Kronecker structures |
Manipulation of structured matrix pencils of the form [A-λE B; C D]
Function | Description |
sreduceBF | Reduction to the basic condensed form [B A-λE; D C] with E upper triangular and nonsingular. |
sklf | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the full Kronecker structure |
sklf_right | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the right Kronecker structure |
sklf_left | Computation of the Kronecker-like form exhibiting the left Kronecker structure |
gsklf | Computation of several row partition preserving special Kronecker-like forms |
Manipulation of regular matrix pencils
Function | Description |
regbalance! | Balancing regular matrix pencils |
isregular | Checking the regularity of a pencil |
isunimodular | Checking the unimodularity of a pencil |
fisplit | Finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting |
sfisplit | Special finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting |
fihess | Finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting in a generalized Hessenberg form |
fischur | Finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting in a generalized Schur form |
fischursep | Finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting in an ordered generalized Schur form |
sfischursep | Special finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting in an ordered generalized Schur form |
fiblkdiag | Finite-infinite eigenvalue splitting based block diagonalization |
gsblkdiag | Finite-infinite and stable-unstable eigenvalue splitting based block diagonalization |
ssblkdiag | Stable-unstable eigenvalue splitting based block diagonalization |
saloc | Spectrum alocation for the pairs (A,B) and (A-λE,B) |
salocd | Spectrum alocation for the dual pairs (A,C) and (A-λE,C) |
salocinf | Infinite spectrum alocation for the pair (A-λE,B) |
salocinfd | Infinite spectrum alocation for the dual pair (A-λE,C) |
ordeigvals | Order-preserving computation of eigenvalues of a Schur matrix or a generalized Schur pair. |
Some applications of matrix pencil computations
Function | Description |
pkstruct | Determination of the complete Kronecker structure |
prank | Determination of the normal rank |
peigvals | Computation of the finite and infinite eigenvalues |
pzeros | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros |
Some applications to structured matrix pencils of the form [A-λE B; C D]
Function | Description |
spkstruct | Determination of the complete Kronecker structure |
sprank | Determination of the normal rank |
speigvals | Computation of the finite and infinite eigenvalues |
spzeros | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros |
Manipulation of linearizations of polynomial or rational matrices
Function | Description |
lsbalance! | Scaling of a descriptor system based linearization |
lsbalqual | Evaluation of the scaling quality of descriptor system based linearizations |
lsminreal | Computation of irreducible descriptor system based linearizations |
lsminreal2 | Computation of irreducible descriptor system based linearizations (potentially more efficient) |
lpsminreal | Computation of strongly minimal pencil based linearizations |
lsequal | Checking the equivalence of two descriptor system based linearizations |
lpsequal | Checking the equivalence of two pencil based linearizations |
lseval | Evaluation of the value of the rational matrix corresponding to a descriptor system based linearization |
lpseval | Evaluation of the value of the rational matrix corresponding to a pencil based linearization |
lps2ls | Conversion of a pencil based linearization into a descriptor system based linearization |
Manipulation of polynomial matrices
Function | Description |
poly2pm | Conversion of a polynomial matrix used in Polynomials package to a polynomial matrix represented as a 3-dimensional matrix |
pm2poly | Conversion of a polynomial matrix represented as a 3-dimensional matrix to a polynomial matrix used in Polynomials package |
pmdeg | Determination of the degree of a polynomial matrix |
pmeval | Evaluation of a polynomial matrix for a given value of its argument. |
pmreverse | Building the reversal of a polynomial matrix |
pmdivrem | Quotients and remainders of elementwise divisions of two polynomial matrices |
pm2lpCF1 | Building a linearization in the first companion Frobenius form |
pm2lpCF2 | Building a linearization in the second companion Frobenius form |
pm2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of a polynomial matrix |
ls2pm | Computation of the polynomial matrix from its descriptor system based structured linearization |
pm2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of a polynomial matrix |
lps2pm | Computation of the polynomial matrix from its pencil based structured linearization |
spm2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of a structured polynomial matrix [T(λ) U(λ); V(λ) W(λ)] |
spm2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of a structured polynomial matrix [T(λ) U(λ); V(λ) W(λ)] |
Some applications to polynomial matrices
Function | Description |
pmkstruct | Determination of the Kronecker and infinite zero-pole structure using companion form based linearizations |
pmeigvals | Computation of the finite and infinite eigenvalues using companion form based linearizations |
pmzeros | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros using companion form based linearizations |
pmzeros1 | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros using pencil based structured linearization |
pmzeros2 | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros using descriptor system based structured linearization |
pmroots | Computation of the roots of the determinant of a regular polynomial matrix |
pmpoles | Computation of the (infinite) poles using companion form based linearizations |
pmpoles1 | Computation of the (infinite) poles using pencil based structured linearization |
pmpoles2 | Computation of the (infinite) poles using descriptor system based structured linearization |
pmrank | Determination of the normal rank |
ispmregular | Checking the regularity of a polynomial matrix |
ispmunimodular | Checking the unimodularity of a polynomial matrix |
Manipulation of rational matrices
Function | Description |
rm2lspm | Representation of a rational matrix as a linearization of its strictly proper part plus its polynomial part |
rmeval | Evaluation of a rational matrix for a given value of its argument. |
rm2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of a rational matrix |
ls2rm | Computation of the rational matrix from its descriptor system based structured linearization |
rm2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of a rational matrix |
lps2rm | Computation of the rational matrix from its pencil based structured linearization |
lpmfd2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of a left polynomial matrix fractional description |
rpmfd2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of a right polynomial matrix fractional description |
lpmfd2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of a left polynomial matrix fractional description |
rpmfd2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of a right polynomial matrix fractional description |
pminv2ls | Building a descriptor system based structured linearization [A-λE B; C D] of the inverse of a polynomial matrix |
pminv2lps | Building a pencil based structured linearization [A-λE B-λF; C-λG D-λH] of the inverse of a polynomial matrix |
Some applications to rational matrices
Function | Description |
rmkstruct | Determination of the Kronecker and infinite zero-pole structure using descriptor system based structured linearization |
rmzeros | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros using descriptor system based structured linearization |
rmzeros1 | Computation of the finite and infinite zeros using pencil based structured linearization |
rmpoles | Computation of the finite and infinite poles using descriptor system based structured linearization |
rmpoles1 | Computation of the finiet and infinite poles using pencil based structured linearization |
rmrank | Determination of the normal rank |
A complete list of implemented functions is available here.
Future plans
Functional enhancements of some functions will be performed if the need arises.
Release Notes
Main developer
License: MIT (expat)
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